
CYF Graduate Directory

The project is my graduation project of Code Your Future Full Stack Developer Course and it has been migrated to be part of CYF official website
Built with, React, NodeJS(Express), PostgreSQL

Image Manipulator

The application provides a set of operations on images such as getting color scheme from an image, cropping an image, detecting faces in the image. Built with react, clarifai and cropperjs apis


TV Shows

The project is built with Vanilla JS and TVMaze API in CYF course scope

Todo App

It is a simple todo application. The project is created with Typescript, React and Styled-Components Library


Veggie Shop

It is a single page shopping website. The project is created with React Class Components and SCSS Library

Mail Box

The project is a copy of Mailbox view. Built with Html&CSS only


Expense Tracker

The project is made as a part of a crash course. Allow the user to calculate the balance they have providing income and expenses Built with React

My Skills